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Can you breastfeed and sleep train?

It's so surprising how many mums ask me this question and it's due to the many myths surrounding sleeping training and breastfeeding babies..


'Breastfed babies do not sleep as well as formula or bottle-fed babies'


‘Sleep training will impact your breastfeeding experience and your breastfeeding bond with your baby’


‘Breastfed babies wake multiple times in the night for feeds so they cannot be sleep trained’


As a Breastfeeding Specialist and Paediatric Sleep Consultant, as well as a mum who carried out sleep training with my two breast-fed babies, I am SO passionate about this subject!!


Topics covered in this blog:

Firstly, YES you CAN breastfeed AND sleep train!


So guess what? YES, you CAN have a baby that breastfeeds well AND sleeps well


Please note! Nighttime weaning and sleep training are NOT the same thing, more on this later...

The importance of breastfeeding and sleep as two separate events

Both milk and sleep are fundamental to your baby's health and well-being;


Milk: Sustains Physical Development


Sleep: Sustains Mental, Physical, Emotional And Social Development


Feeding and sleeping are not mutually exclusive and so viewing them as two separate events – removing any feed-to-sleep association - can make way for a successful sleep shaping or sleep training journey.

Breastfeeding to sleep is a common sleep association when your baby is a newborn

but this scenario may become no longer sustainable for YOU.


Whenever baby needs to nap, fall asleep at bedtime, fall back to sleep throughout the night they need to nurse in order to fall asleep - implementing a Feed-Play-Sleep cycle throughout the day discourages this strong sleep association.


Feed-Play-Sleep | Feed-Play-Sleep | Feed-Play-Sleep | Feed-Play-Sleep


Of course if you are happy to nurse your baby to sleep that is absolutely fine!! You can still implement healthy sleep habits and techniques in order to improve your baby’s sleep.


Each and every family is unique and all that matters is you are making the right decisions for you, your baby, your family when it comes to feeding and sleeping

Addressing the myths about sleep training breast-fed babies

Sleep shaping techniques can be implemented when your baby is 0-3months


Sleep training methods can be implemented when your baby is 4months+


Remember the 3 myths at the start of this blog? Well let me break them down and provide you with the reassurance you need…

‘Breastfed babies do not sleep as well as formula or bottle-fed babies’


From helping mums with baby sleep support that have breastmilk and formula fed babies, I can confirm there is NO difference in their abilities to sleep better and for longer.



In order for your baby to enjoy longer stretches of sleep..

It isn't down to the type of milk they are having..

It is down to your baby feeding well and having full feeds..

Wether by breast/bottle or breastmilk/formula..

‘Sleep training will impact your breastfeeding experience and your breastfeeding bond with your baby’



Throughout any sleep training process you will be there to respond to your baby’s important breastfeeding needs and your breastfeeding experience will not change


The breastfeeding bond with your child remains just as strong during and after sleep training

Mothers and children are in a category all their own. There's no bond so strong in the entire world.” — Gail Tsukiyama.

‘Breastfed babies wake multiple times in the night for feeds so they cannot be sleep trained’


Breastfed babies may wake multiple times in the night because they have a strong nursing to sleep association and so they simply cannot fall back to sleep without being nursed


Sleep training encourages the dissociation of nursing to sleep, which enhances a baby's ability to fall asleep independently

Did you know I offer a Bespoke Breastfeeding and Sleep Support (0-6months) Service? This is a tailored support package that combines both Breastfeeding and Sleep Support! Book a free 15minute assessment call to hear more about it!

Is milk supply impacted by sleep training?

When your baby has developed the skills to fall asleep independently at bedtime then they have the ability to fall back to sleep at nighttime, and so they will wake less frequently! The nighttime wakings where your baby may need settling are then likely due to hunger.

Differentiating between when baby is waking in the night because they are hungry and their stomachs need to be satisfied by milk OR they want to be comforted back to sleep by nursing is key!

Remember! Your milk supply adjusts to your baby's feeding needs through supply and demand


What should you be looking out for?

  • You should see how often and how long your baby is feeding for in the day to make sure they are consuming enough milk in a total 24hour period


  • Baby is gaining appropriate weight for their relevant age

  • In the day begin to really tune into their hunger cues


Depending on your personal choice, you may currently be breastfeeding on demand or have a feeding schedule; either way you may be deciding wether the time is right for both you and your baby for nighttime weaning and be considering sleep training for this reason..

This leads me onto this important note…


Nighttime weaning and sleep training are not the same thing!

Of course, when it comes to nighttime weaning, you need to be mindful of your babies age but it is generally recognised that, on average, when a baby is 6 months+ they are capable of sleeping throughout the night without needing a nighttime feed from a nutritive perspective. Especially if your baby is getting enough milk during the day, and also by 6 months your baby will have most likely started eating solids.

Babies may naturally weaning themselves from nighttime feeds but if you as mum have decided you want start weaning from nighttime feeds because your baby is of an appropriate age and all other important factors (as mentioned previously) are being considered and met, then there are two methods you can use;


Go 'Cold Turkey' | Simply stop nursing at nighttime (Note: depending on how many times your baby is feeding in the night you may need to express by either hand or pump if you are feeling engorged during the night)


Gradual Weaning | Reduce the amount of time spent nursing at night; for example, if your baby currently nurses for 10minutes at each feed then reduce the amount of time by 2 minutes each night or another example, if your baby is breastfeeding 3-4 times in the night then drop a feed every 2-3 days

If you have ANY milk supply concerns then book a virtual breastfeeding consultation with me for professional breastfeeding advice and friendly support!

Tips how to successfully navigate sleep shaping or sleep training while breastfeeding

  • Introduce a Feed-Play-Sleep cycle to discourage any nursing to sleep association

  • Begin to understand your baby's hunger cues

  • Ensure your baby is feeding enough in a total 24hour period, increase breastfeeds in the day if necessary

  • Give your baby a chance to fall back to sleep at nighttime before breastfeeding

  • Remember nighttime weaning and sleep training are not the same thing!



Sleep training and/or nighttime weaning is down to personal choice and sometimes we just need some guidance and support to reach our end goal. I see you - I hear you - let me help you!

For more breastfeeding and sleep tips and information follow Maternal Mayhem on Instagram:



So, YES you CAN breastfeed AND sleep train!


I have BOTH personal experience as a mum who sleep trained my two breast-fed daughters at 4 months old and professional experience as a Breastfeeding Specialist & Paediatric Sleep Consultant.

Read more about my breastfeeding and sleep journey's with my daughters here;

Sleep Shaping (0-3months) and Sleep Training (4months+) involve techniques and methods to promote independent sleep; which you can implement while meeting all your baby's breastfeeding needs!

I offer free 15minute assessment calls where we can discuss all things breastfeeding, sleep or both, which you can book directly below! I can't wait to chat!

A well-fed, well-rested child is a happier child and a happier you!


Rebecca x


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