Sleep deprivation is REAL and can make you FEEL - anxious, frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed, delirious! And so you may be..
Wondering what you're 'doing wrong' and if your baby's sleep is 'normal'
Googling baby sleep at 2am, reading books on sleep, asking friends and family for sleep advice
Considering sleep training but have some concerns and fears
As a Paediatric Sleep Consultant, as well as a mum who carried out sleep training with my two daughters at 4 months old, I am here to give you the reassurance you need!

Topics covered in this blog:
Sleep training is nothing to be afraid of, you are simply encouraging your baby to improve their overall sleep, if you choose to implement sleep training then embrace and enjoy the sleep training journey!
Your baby will be absolutely fine - you will be absolutely fine - especially when you are finally getting the sleep YOU need!
Remember! Sleep training is a personal choice and you have got to do what feels right for you and your family
What is sleep training and at what age can you sleep train your baby?
Sleep Training
Sleep training is essentially a process whereby parents encourage their child to fall asleep independently.
But why would this enhance your little ones sleep?
The ability to fall asleep independently enables a smoother naptime and/or bedtime, longer stretches of sleep, less nighttime wakings -amongst other positive sleep factors!
Note! Sleep training is not just about methods and techniques - routine, consistency and mindset are other crucial elements that make up the sleep training process
What age can you sleep train your baby?

It recommended to not sleep train your baby until they are 4months old from a developmental perspective.
And of course when you have a newborn they will want that closeness to you in order to feel safe; contact naps and pram naps are common so don’t put any pressure on yourself and enjoy those newborn cuddles!
When your baby is around 3-4months there is a HUGE biological change in relation to your baby's sleep cycles and there can be so many physical, cognitive and emotional developments happening all at once...all these varying factors can heavily disrupt your baby's sleep! They may all of.a sudden be more fussy when it comes to going to sleep and have more frequent wakings whereas sleep seemed a bit more seamless in those earlier months..
This '4month sleep regression' is another reason parents may look to explore the idea of sleep training - I offer Baby Sleep Support for babies 4-17months old - see more information below!
Three common sleep training concerns and fears
☁️ ‘Fear Of Harm by Crying’ | Parents may think sleep training harms their Child physically or emotionally
It is important to remember the sleep training process is different scenario from what your child is used to when going to sleep and like any other new experience that happens in their life they just need a moment to adjust.
❕No research that suggests crying for short periods causes harm, so you can rest assured that sleep training does not affect your child’s physical or emotional well-being.

☁️ ‘Guilt’ | Parents may feel they are neglecting their Child’s needs during the sleep training process
Throughout any sleep training process you are not simply leaving and neglecting your child, you will be there to respond to their important needs.
❕The bond with your child remains just as strong during and after sleep training, getting your child to sleep is one of hundreds of factors that create a special parent-child bond.
☁️ ‘Lack of knowledge’ | Parents may be unaware of appropriate methods of sleep training and unknowing of a child’s sleep patterns and development needs to implement effective sleep training
Parents may only think of ‘cry it out’ when it comes to sleep training, this is also known as the ‘extinction method’ but is very rarely used by parents these days. There are a variety of sleep training methods that range from more hands on methods to more hands off methods.
❕Through hiring a sleep consultant you can begin to understand the science of sleep, a child’s sleep patterns and development needs relative to their age and implement an effective sleep training plan.
If you are exploring the option of sleep training but feel you..
Don't have the money or time for 1:1 support packages?
Feel your challenges aren't major but you want some simple and effective guidance?
Just want reassurance that the challenges you're experiencing are normal and how to manage them?
Then my 'Fix mayhem in 30mins!' call below is all you need..
Tips to encourage your baby to sleep well without the need to sleep train

Your baby's sleepless nights are your sleepless nights which leave you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted!
But do you want the GREAT news?
A child’s sleep is behavioural in the majority of cases and so it CAN be improved with adjustments to sleep habits and arrangements (without formal sleep training!)
Here are some things you can look at;
Is your baby getting their daytime sleep needs relative to their age? And is their bed time appropriate for their age?
If your baby has too much or too little daytime sleep then this can cause them to struggle to fall asleep at bedtime, result in waking frequent in the night and/or early morning wakings
If your baby's bedtime is too early or too late then they will either be undertired or overtired at bedtime, both causing falling to sleep fussiness
Download my FREE Key Sleep Guidelines (0-3years) and/or Nap Schedule Samples (3-18months) to see if your baby is getting their daytime sleep needs and age specific bedtime ranges
Does your baby have a sleep association (they need nursing, rocking, contact etc in order to fall asleep)?
If so then try to gently wean them from their sleep association, because if they need something in order to fall asleep then they are always going to need that same thing to go back to sleep when they wake up throughout the night
Is your baby consuming enough calories in the day?
Of course in the early months babies will and need to wake often in the night to feed but if they consume a good amount of calories in the day then it means there is a higher chance they will wake less frequently in the night for a feed.
Note! From 6months+ a baby does not typically need to feed in the night from a nutritive perspective, as long as they are gaining adequate weight
Does your baby have the optimum sleeping environment?
Dark (Ideally blacked out) : A dark environment promotes sleep as Melatonin (the 'sleep hormone') is produced in response to darkness - the darker the better
Quiet (Exception of white noise) : A quiet environment means there will be less disturbances while sleeping - the quieter the better
Free Of Stimulation : Their sleep space should not have anything stimulating (such as cot mobiles or stimulating toys) as this can distract them while trying to go to sleep - the more boring the better
Does your baby have a consistent bedtime routine and naptime routine?
Babies thrive on routine - it makes them feel safe and secure knowing what's coming! When babies are around 3-4months old they can begin to pick up on consequential cues that signal to baby that it is time to go to sleep
It is never too early to implement routines, you can implement routines from birth for both bedtime and naptime and this hugely benefits them when they are developmentally able to start recognising their routine
Remember! Routine, Consistency & Mindset is key when encouraging your little one to become an independent sleeper
And lastly practice, practice, practice putting your baby down in their cot awake when it is time for sleep to give them the space and time to try and fall asleep on their own
Navigating and resolving the cruxes of your child’s sleep can bring you out of your sleep deprivation - making you feel YOU again!
For more sleep tips and information follow Maternal Mayhem on Instagram:
So is there anything to fear or be concerned about when it comes to sleep training? No!

Sleep training is not an unsafe process, your baby will not be physically or emotionally harmed during the process, your parent-baby bond remains just as strong and there are a variety of sleep training methods that range from more hands on methods to more hands off methods, so you can choose which method suits your parenting philosophy!
I am a sleep consultant and a mum who carried out sleep training with my two daughters when they were 4 months old. Read a little more about my daughter's sleep journey's here;
I am a Paediatric Sleep Consultant that that offers a client-led approach to sleep, based on your child’s specific sleep challenges, as well as your own parenting philosophy, I advise on the most suitable sleep shaping techniques and sleep training methods for you. In addition, I also assess your child’s entire 24 hour day and so I view sleep shaping and training from a holistic perspective.
I offer free 15minute assessment calls where you express and sleep training concerns or fears you may have and I can give you the reassurance you need! I can't wait to chat!
A well-rested child is a happier child and a happier you!
Rebecca x