Wondering if your baby is ready to drop a nap or your toddler is ready to enter the no nap era?
Baby taking aggges to fall asleep at naptime? Ready?
6 months old! Now?
Toddler started waking before 6am? Nearly?
As a Paediatric Sleep Consultant I want to provide an insight into your child’s sleep needs, signs your child is ready drop a nap and offer tips to help manage your child's nap transitions
Remember! Nap transition is not something to overthink, your child will show you their signs when they are ready

Topics covered in this nap blog;
When deciding on whether the time has come for a nap drop - it is important to take into consideration your child’s age and their relative sleep needs according to their age range and also if they are showing one or more signs it’s time to drop a nap.
Note! Whilst guidance can be given on average ages babies and toddlers may be ready to drop a nap – every baby is unique and so their nap needs may differ and they will be ready to drop a nap in their own time
Daytime sleep needs (0-3years)
Ensuring your child is getting the right amount of sleep they developmentally need in the day helps ensure your child is neither overtired or undertired when it comes to bedtime; which can lead to fussy bedtimes, frequent nighttime wakings and/or early morning awakenings.
Below is guidance on your child’s total sleep needs in 24hours, day-time sleep needs and number of naps;

Note! If your baby is a 30 minute cat napper then they may require more naps than the above guidance or if you baby takes very long naps they may require less naps than the above guidance
Check out my free ‘Key Sleep Guidelines: 0-3 Years’ | This two-page download provides sleep needs, wake windows, optimal sleeping environment and much more!
When will your child enter the no nap era?
Generally children with drop their final nap around 3.5 – 4 years of age.

Although some children may show signs they are ready to go without naps at 2.5years and some children at 4+ years; there can be external factors that influence how receptive they are to having their afternoon nap. Such as weekday childcare arrangements, nap space environment and busy weekend plans.
Note! From a developmental perspective it is advised against removing your child’s nap before 2.5 years; it is recommended to wait until at least 3 years of age
Five signs your child is ready drop a nap
1. Your child is at or around the age appropriate range
Is your little one meeting the nap guidance below?
0-2 months | 4+ naps
3-5 months | 4 > 3
6-8 months | 3 > 2
9-14 months | 2
15-18 months | 2 > 1
19-24 months | 1
2-3 years | 1
If not explore if there are other signs your little one is ready to drop a nap..
2. Taking a long time to fall asleep at nap time
Does your little one not seem tired or is struggling to fall asleep at nap time?
Your little one may need a longer wake window before each nap to stop the nap time battle!
3. Shorter naps

Is your little one now cat napping for 30-45minutes each nap?
Your little one now may need a longer wake window before their nap to build up enough sleep pressure to have a longer nap
Note! Some babies just go through stages of cat napping or enjoy cat napping in general
4. Naps are interfering with bedtime
Has your little one has started fighting falling asleep at bedtime? They are either protesting or they are laying awake for longer than 20minutes before falling asleep
Your little one may need a longer wake window before bedtime; you may need to push bedtime later until their last nap of the day is fully dropped
5. Frequent night wakings or early morning wakings
Is your little one waking frequently throughout the night but is not unsettled? And/or waking before 6am (5am or even 4am)?
Your little one may be getting too much daytime sleep and so they are simply not as tired at nighttime because they have over met their daytime sleep needs, meaning they require less sleep at nighttime.
These five signs do not need to all be happening at the same time but if your child is age appropriate and you are seeing one or more other signs – then it’s time!
Note! It is also worth looking at any physical or cognitive developmental milestones occurring as this can also impact your child’s usual sleeping patterns..
Are you finding your baby's sleep challenging beyond 4 months? Are you wanting 1:1 guidance and support for two weeks? Book my Baby (4-17months) sleep support below:
Tips to manage nap transitions
So the time has come where your baby is ready to drop their nap…so now what to do you?
Some babies and toddlers can just drop a nap and not be affected, but others may need some help and guidance because they are struggling with the transition.

Here are 4 tips you can try to encourage a smoother nap transition;
Gradually extend wake window vs implementing new nap schedule
Rather than drastically implementing a new nap schedule, slowly extend their wake window by 15minutes every 2-3days; some babies and toddlers may not be able to handle the new nap schedule straight away
Make sure the last nap of the day is a short nap
Capping the last nap of the day to a 20-30minute snooze so your little one isn’t falling asleep and having a long nap right before bedtime
Transitioning to quiet time during nap refusal

As our little ones grow you may experience nap refusal – whilst we may try and encourage our toddler to nap we simply cannot force it - so replace what would be their nap time with quiet time. Either in their bedroom or in a peaceful space inside or outside; read books, do puzzles, colouring - any activities that are calm and relaxing to provide a break from general daytime stimulation
Note! Just because your toddler may start refusing to nap on occasion does not necessarily mean they are ready to drop their nap..
Move bedtime earlier when necessary
If your little one is getting really over-tired at bedtime - during the nap transition with less daytime sleep - then an earlier bedtime (between 6/6.30pm) may be needed in the short-term while your little one adjusts
For more sleep tips and information follow Maternal Mayhem on Instagram:
So think your child is ready to drop a nap? Firstly look at your child’s age and their relative sleep needs according to their age range and then see if they are showing one or more of the following signs it’s time to drop a nap;
Taking a long time to fall asleep at nap time
Shorter naps
Naps are interfering with bedtime
Frequent night wakings or early morning wakings
Your little one may be experiencing a developmental milestone that may be impacting their usual sleeping patterns but generally it will be apparent whether it is the developmental milestone vs their need to drop a nap.
Remember! Nap transition is not something to overthink, your child will show you their signs when they are ready

Do you want guidance and support with your child’s sleep journey? See my sleep support for Newborn (0-3months), Baby (4-17months) & Toddler (18months+) below:
I am a Paediatric Sleep Consultant that that offers a client-led approach to sleep; based on your child’s specific sleep challenges, as well as your own parenting philosophy, I advise on the most suitable sleep shaping techniques and sleep training methods for you. In addition, I also assess your child’s entire 24 hour day and so I view sleep shaping and training from a holistic perspective.
I offer virtual sleep consultations worldwide so book a free 15minute assessment call to get your child on the road to better naps and nighttime sleep!
A well-rested child is a happier child and a happier you!
Rebecca x